Sunday, September 6, 2009

Washington Trip/ Kyle Preschool

We made a trip to Washington for Derek's, stepbrother's wedding. We had a blast and the kids really enjoyed the wedding, which surprised me. They loved the dancing part and were very sad at 11:00pm when we said it was time to go.

Here is a picture of Derek and his siblings.

Payton LOVED dancing with Daddy!

Here is Kyle playing around with Tony(Carly's boyfriend)

Kyle and Payton actually really like dressing up for the wedding! I was excited about the "kodak moment" it made!!

Here we are with Carly, Tony and Jason, Delene!

While in Washington we made it out to the ZOO in Seattle and this was outside the new leopard exhibit, my own little leopards!!

So I am completely addicted to the "Twilight" books, I have read the entire saga twice. So naturally I made Derek drive me to Forks, WA (the setting of the book). Since the movie has been so popular as well, the town has really gotten into the spirit. Here is a sign outside of a gas station in Forks, it made me laugh! (Edward is the main male character in the book), for those of you who have not read these books yet!!

This was the beautiful scenery we had on our drive from Port Angeles to Forks, during our visit to Washington.

Kyle started preschool last week and he LOVES it!!! Every time we pull into the parking lot he starts to cheer. He only goes twice a week, which is perfect for him! This was his first day, and he did not mind me taking his picture, what a sweetheart!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My very cute little nephew, Jordan!!

The kids at the park, it was actually a little rainy and cloudy that day. Which made the 100 degree weather more bearable.

Payton did great swimming on her own, she was such a little fish. She even jumped in on her own!!

Kyle equally impressed me, since we only swim once a year I was so shocked at how quickly he took to the water. By the end of our trip he was diving his head under water.

Here are some of the kids cousins! Everyone had someone their age to play with, and boy did they play!

Nothing is better than swimming and blue bell ice cream!!

It took them a little time to warm up to each other, but next year I know they will be great playmates!!

"Best Buddies", We were just relieved that Kyle finally had someone to talk to, besides us!!Andrew didn't mind Kyle talking his head off he talked just as much, they were a great match!

Payton was such a great helper with her cousin, Jordan. She was in charge of keeping up with the pacifier.

All three grandkids, ready for Church!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Baseball Game!!

Of course, the first baseball game for Kyle and Payton had to be between the Colorado Rockies and the Seattle Mariners!! Here is Derek and the kids in their Seattle gear ready for the game!!

The kids had their gloves and were ready to hopefully catch a fly ball, even though our seats were very far from the field!

It was a very long walk up to the third level, with Payton walking by herself, it took awhile just to make it to our seats!

We had some yummy peanuts to keep us busy during the game, here is Kyle licking his lips after devouring a peanut.

Payton had her Dora visor on but I was afraid the top of her head would get sunburned. Luckily, it was "free hat" game, obviously she was not about to replace her Dora visor for a Rockies hat, so she wore both!

We also snacked on some Red Vines and Payton was very generous in sharing hers!

In the 5th inning it started to rain, so we went and got some ice cream, then the tornado sirens went off. So they made everyone move to the main level for safety reasons. Here we are waiting out the storm, packed in like sardines!

Payton also kept busy coloring!

Next to the 7th Inning "Take me out to the Ball Game" song, Kyle loved the wave, and he did an awesome job at it!!

Mariners lost 1-7 but we just switched our Mariners hats for Rockies hats and still had a blast!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Last Week!

Last night we tried our first bike ride of the warm season. We didn't go far because Payton does not know how to steer, Derek and I got a little frustrated bending over to steer for her. They sure do look cute on their bikes!

Here is Payton and Jordan(her baby cousin) in the famous Texas Blue Bonnets!! We were going to pile up in the car and drive to find a nice patch and instead found one right behind Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Hillary's house!

Payton was helping sweet baby Jordan with his sunglasses, I am sure he really appreciated it, actually he was sound asleep and didn't know any differently!

After we took this picture we actually had to go get the cows some range cubes so they would leave us alone. Payton didn't mind she liked seeing the cows up close!

Payton loved helping feed the cows while we were in Texas. However, this cow is a little too close for comfort, I had no idea he had stuck his head over the fence. He will be in my freezer in a couple of months, yum!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Disney On Ice!!

Here we are getting ready to go! Payton has her princess shoes on and her diva sunglasses. Kyle insisted on wearing his Hulk shirt even though I told him that the Incredible Hulk would not be there.

The kids got these really cool little wrist bands that are part of "The Incredible" hero costumes so here is Kyle looking at his.


"AHHHHHH" Kyle has on the super villain mask and Daddy has on the Incredible's mask.

The is a picture I took this morning just thought it was really cute!! It is hard to get them to look and smile at the camera at the same time!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Children's Museum

We were down in Denver and decided to check out the Children's museum. It was really fun and the kids had a great time. There was a lot to do!
Ready to save the day!

Kyle and Daddy used tools and recycled material to make this really cool helicopter!

Of course, her favorite color of paint to use was pink and purple!,

Exhausted from playing all morning we decided to head to Cherry Creek Mall and get some hamburgers and fries at Johnny Rockets!
Very fun day!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Payton's first ponytail!

I know this is probably a stupid thing to blog about. I am so excited that Payton's hair is finally long enough to put into a ponytail. Especially since we live in a place that is so dry and her hair normally is pinned to her face because of the static. It is great to see it out of her face! Small amusements, I know!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Birthday Girl!!!

Every Princess needs a Castle!

However, she did not blow out her candles because she wasn't sure what to do. Of course, brother was there to help with that!

She ate every bit of the cake, unlike last year when she wouldn't even touch it.

Grandpa and Grandma Stone got to come from Texas to help celebrate Payton's birthday. The kids had a lot of fun playing with them!

We went as a family bowling here on base. Payton loved it and scored a pretty high number. I can't remember exactly what her final score was, but she gave us all a run for our money.

And her favorite part of the day was getting to open all the wonderful presents that she got!

Brother had fun on Payton's birthday as well, here he is spinning around!

The Farm

We went down to Fort Collins to "The Farm". We went with a group of our friends. The kids just loved it. There were tons of farm animals for the kids to see and feed. Kyle got to ride a horse, he looks like a professional rider. Payton just sat in the stroller happy as can be!